Design optimal solar and battery projects in 5 minutes.

DimenSim is a brand new software application for generating detailed business plans for Commercial & Industrial projects.

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What is DimenSim?

DimenSim is a simulation software for sizing Commercial & Industrial solar and battery systems, much more efficiently and faster than calculating in Excel.

It reduces project preparation time and pre-sales costs during project development. Answer customer questions in minutes instead of days!

With DimenSim, you can easily calculate the optimal solar power and battery capacity for any project, tailored to the consumption habits of your customers, in as little as 5 minutes.

Create high-quality, 50-page business plans for your projects! Studies prepared with DimenSim include all key technical and economic calculations necessary for project development.

Choose from dozens of commercially available energy storage systems in our database!

With DimenSim, you can easily find the perfect combination of solar power and battery capacity for any industrial energy project, in as little as 5 minutes.

Changes in the Market

Dynamic transformation in the energy sector.

Skyrocketing need for solar and batteries.

Incorrect calculations lead to missed opportunities.

EPC firms that do not adapt to the changing market landscape will lag behind competitors, and miss out on significant savings on the client's side.

Are you an industrial project developer looking for ways to improve client satisfaction and increase revenue?

Check out the benefits of using DimenSim!

Try DimenSim for Free!

Benefits of using DimenSim

DimenSim provides accurate calculations to show how a solar and battery system can generate savings for a given company.

Provide your corporate clients with detailed and easy-to-understand reports demonstrating how much money they can save with renewables!

Each analysis is based on the unique, historical consumption data of the industrial site.

This way, you can offer your industrial clients personalized recommendations for selecting the appropriate system size. The analysis works for existing solar PV systems as well!

Our simulation for virtual battery modeling has been reviewed and validated by experts from the Technical University of Budapest.

Streamline and enhance customer and financing discussions with precise calculations!

Achieve easier and faster financing thanks to detailed cash-flow calculations available within minutes.

Achieve better financing terms and obtain quicker loan approvals with professional business plans!

Save time and money with quick and well-prepared decision-making: a detailed business plan and proposal can be prepared in as little as 5 minutes.

Accelerate your sales processes and complete more projects with the same team size!

DimenSim offers more than just financial assistance: it also makes the work of your sales and technical teams more efficient! Choose the package that best fits your monthly project volume, starting from just 1-2 projects per month!

Try DimenSim for Free!

Key Features

Consumption Data Analysis

Upload the historical load profile of any industrial site, and analyze the consumption profile using statistical methods

Solar PV Sizing Simulation

After analyzing the load profile, DimenSim' Solar Module finds the optimal size of solar PV system, and calculates losses. If the losses are high, installing batteries can be useful.

Battery Sizing Simulation

DimenSim's Battery Module can run hundreds of simulations in minutes to find the perfect combination of solar PV and batteries. By taking savings, payback periods and battery lifetime into consideration, DimenSim can recommend the easly find the optimal system size for your project.

Scenario analysis

You can run specific simulations for different market price expectations, DC:AC ratios. You can change the solar PV installation costs and capacity fees to find the ideal scenario.

Report generation

A detailed investment proposal is a key to any renewable project. Both clients and financers need to understand the project thorougly before making a decision. DimenSim will automatically generate a 30-page-long report for you, which shows the optimal system size, recommends products, includes detailed cash-flow calculations.

Simulation Outputs

DimenSim will run the sizing simulations in 5 minutes and generate a detailed technical and financial report, which will include all the KPIs you need to evaluate any project:

  • Optimal PV System Power (MW).
  • Optimal Battery Capacity (MWh).
  • Electricity Bill Savings (% and EUR)
  • Break-Even Point (Years).
  • Energy Losses (%).
  • Yearly Battery Cycles
  • Battery Lifetime (Years).
  • Total Investment Costs (EUR).
  • Net Present Value (EUR)
  • Internal Rate of Return (%).

Check out the case studies below to see how to use these KPIs when evaluating a project!

Case Studies

Sample Report

This study contains detailed technical and financial calculations for a Sample Site. The calculations are based on the site's own consumption data, historical solar irradiation data, and energy prices.

After analysing the historical consumption data provided to us, we determined the optimal power of a solar PV system for the consumer. In addition to the solar PV system, the possibility of installing an energy storage system was also investigated.

Download Case Study

Our Technology

Data processing in Python.

Validated Digital Twins in MATLAB/Simulink.

Software-as-a-Service Cloud Application in AWS.

Detailed battery models, based on measured characteristics. Degradation model to calculate the average annual cycles, and lifetime.

Modelling framework validated by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Request a FREE demo today!

DimenSim is available in English and German.
Schedule a meeting with us and start using DimenSim for free!

DimenSim Partners

Partners taking part in testing DimenSim:

Bomo Energy Kft. CHS Hungary Kft. CoreComm Energy eKraft Europe Kft. Energiatároló Plusz Kft. EU-Solar Nyrt. GGE Solar Kft. Green Line Kft. Green Geo Hungary Kft. Greentechnic Group iGreen Solar Kft. Infoware Zrt. Lillyneir Kft. Newergies Kft. Optenergy Kft. PannonWatt Zrt. Power Charge Zrt RenSol Kft. SH Solar Kft Solar Konstrukt Tiszta Energiák Kft. TN Energy Kft. Váépszer Kft. Wattkan Kft.

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